Saturday, June 14, 2008

I miss being a library patron

Something I am really looking forward to about being retired is being a patron at my local public library. (It's years away, but that doesn't mean I don't think about what life will be like then, now. It's not very zen, but it's nice to daydream.) I cannot remember when I last browsed the shelves for something to read in a library. I do it at Barnes and Noble or Borders sometimes. Even better is Inkwood, browsing in the indies is excellent. But I love doing it in the library, I love being surprised to find a new book by a favorite author, and that is just not how it is when you work in the library. Anyway, reading this blog post on Library Garden reminded me. And curiously, also made me think about knitting. You can knit linen, hemp? Guess I'll have to speak to Judy, this book isn't in our library. Yet.

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